Man wearing a VR headset in pink and blue light

Step into a virtual world

Manipulate virtual environments without hand-held controllers

AAVAA’s technology allows user’s to interact with virtual objects and environments without the need for clumsy, unintuitive controllers. Navigate menus and issue commands just by moving your eyes and blinking.

Experience unparalleled immersion

The current AR/VR market has neglected the attention of the user. AAVAA devices offer unparalleled immersion by allowing the virtual environment to react to the where a user is looking, facing, or what they are paying attention to.

More that just a gaming device

Enhance your workflow with Industrial AR

AAVAA’s technology allow users in loud, busy environments to send immediate inputs while still keeping their hands free for other tasks.

Man wearing a VR headset in pink and blue light

Step into a virtual world

Manipulate virtual environments without hand-held controllers

AAVAA’s technology allows user’s to interact with virtual objects and environments without the need for clumsy, unintuitive controllers. Navigate menus and issue commands just by moving your eyes and blinking.

Experience unparalleled immersion

The current AR/VR market has neglected the attention of the user. AAVAA devices offer unparalleled immersion by allowing the virtual environment to react to the where a user is looking, facing, or what they are paying attention to.

More that just a gaming device

Enhance your workflow with Industrial AR

AAVAA’s technology allow users in loud, busy environments to send immediate inputs while still keeping their hands free for other tasks.

Get in touch

Are you interested in purchasing or demoing AAVAA’s groundbreaking technology? Do you have any questions about what AAVAA can do for you? Reach out and become part of the future.

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