Headband Devices

AAVAA Headband V2

$1,000 CAD

AAVAA Headband V2

$1,000 CAD

Unlock a new world of control with a simple blink, wink, or clench.

Buy now and save later on V3 Gen

Buy any of our devices and get a 30% discount off the next generation of AAVAA devices coming out later this year.

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Glasses Devices

AAVAA Glasses V2

$1,000 CAD

AAVAA Glasses V2

$1,000 CAD

Discover our new comfortable and powerful Neuro-devices.

Device Bundle offers

AAVAA Glasses V2 & Headphone V2 Bundle

$1,900 CAD

AAVAA Headband V2 and Glasses V2 Bundle

$1,900 CAD

Discover our new comfortable and powerful Neuro-devices.

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